Saturday, August 19, 2006

I Should Be In Bed Right Now

So, here it is 2:30 in the morning and I am wide awake. I have been up almost 24 hours straight now. At this point I'm thinking I probably shouldn't have had that energy drink this afternoon. But I did, and now I can't sleep. I've been watching crappy tv shows, playing online, and so now I've decided o blog.

We had a small group softball game this evening. A few small groups got together and we played softball at Villegas Park. Me being the complete airhead that I am forgot my tennis shoes at home. I was going to be good and not play, but I really really wanted to play so I took off my flip flops and played barefoot. It was a lot of fun. When the game was almost over someone finally discovered that I was playing barefoot. It's nice to know that everyone is so observant. %^)

I have been staying with my friend Sandy to give her some adult companionship and to help take care of the kids. I'm actually home again this evening. I have my appointment tomorrow so I decided to have my mom go with me so I'm not there alone. What bugs me about my test is that I'll have to wait for test results. I wish I could get my results as soon as my test is over, maybe some day in the future.

I think my energy just ran out. I'm going to go try and sleep now.


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