Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Hodge Podge of Information

For anyone who may have noticed, I haven’t blogged in quite some time. I feel so out of the loop. Not only have I not posted a blog, I haven’t had time to read any either. Strangely I feel rather disconnected from others. So, to update those of you who I may not have told in person, the side effects of my cysts are starting to disappear. I’m not at drained (both literally and figuratively) as I was. I am almost completely back to my spunky self, to the dismay of my small group leader. I was my normal sarcastic, smart-beep self, but I was also making up for three months of being down, poor Steven got the brunt of it. It is rather wonderful to have energy again. To be able to bounce through the day instead of slowly drag myself around. My students are finally seeing my true personality this week and some of them are shocked. They aren’t sure whether they can laugh at my jokes or not, I should say they aren’t sure if what is coming out of my mouth is a joke or not. It’s definitely entertaining seeing their responses.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I excited for you!

3:00 PM  

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