Monday, September 25, 2006

Insert Some Random Clever Title

I haven’t really been blogging lately. I’ve wanted to blog but haven’t really had anything to type. Life has been kind of blah lately; at least from my perspective. Not a bad blah, but a good blah (if there is such a thing). Nothing exciting, nothing traumatic, just day to day regular stuff.

Tonight was Monday Night Dinner, or MND, at the May’s. I have never been to MND before so it was a new experience for me. It was an awesome night of good food and good fellowship. A great big THANK YOU to Brandi for opening up her house to all of us noise makers. Then I got to come home and unpack some more. I think I’ve finally got my desk organized, which means I can bring in some more boxes to unpack. My goal is to be totally unpacked and organized by Saturday, the end of the day at least.


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