Sunday, May 13, 2007

The F1 Conference and Many Random Thoughts

Here I am sitting in the gym, watching the air molecules circulate through the air. (For those that are wondering, yes, I am slightly insane.) I'm bored and I haven't blogged in awhile, so here I am. This Thursday I'm going to Texas for a conference. I am going with three other young ladies who I absolutely love. I am extremely excited that I am getting this chance to learn something that I can pass on to others in my church. But I also nervous. I'm not really sure why I'm nervous, but I am.
I just realized that anytime I'm going to be away from home overnight I get nervous. Hmmm, I wonder why that is. I wonder about a lot of my quirks. Are they just part of me, did something happen to make them part of me, am I forgetting why I started doing that particular thing? Just some little things I wonder. That and I wonder why I'm obsessive compulsive. I know it really doesn't matter, and that's what I have to keep reminding myself. Really, it doesn't matter why I am the way I am, what caused it. I just need to keep asking myself what does God want me to do with my obsessive compulsive nervous self. Who in my life am I not treating properly, how am I glorifying (or not glorifying) God in what I do.

My friend Drew drove through Riverside last night, so he stopped off and we got dinner and hung out for a couple of hours. I have known Drew for almost 10 years now, and I am always amazed we are still friends. I like hanging out with Drew because I never know what we'll end up talking about, but I know that he'll say something that will really make me think.

Now part of the worship team is here practicing for service tonight. Unfortunately they're not miced so all I'm really hearing is the drums. Our church is so blessed to have so many incredibly talented musicians. I am amazed each and every week.

And now I'm going to go and get ready for church tonight.


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